Sunday Morning Quick Hits #3
Are you a "do-it-yourselfer"? Research shows that you are better at home improvements than investing. There are significant differences...

Sunday Morning Quick Hits #2
We constantly meet with prospective clients whose current advisers, in our opinion, are not providing them what they need to be...

Sunday Morning Quick Hits #1
When determining how much money you are going to have in the future, your savings rate is far more important than your rate of return....

An Advisor By Any Other Name Does Not Smell as Sweet
Many investors look at investment advisors the same way. They are not. Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) and brokers are held to very...

Avoid Missed Opportunities With a Great Game Plan and Diversification Focused on Market Returns
Warren Buffett says “Investing is simple, but not easy.” What’s simple is that staying the course and continuing to invest into market...